Assignment 2: Learn to C
Due Friday, January 31, before midnight
The goals for this assignment are:
Work with strings
Work with structs
Work with arrays
1. Update your repository
Do a fetch upstream to obtain the basecode for this assignment.
The first time you do a fetch
, you need to set the URL of the upstream repository.
git remote add upstream
Using the command line
Open terminal and change your current directory to your assignment repository.
Run the command
git fetch upstream
Run the command
git merge upstream/main
Your repository should now contain a new folder named A02
The fetch
and merge
commands update your repository with any changes from the original.
2. Bad password
Write a program, password.c
, that asks the user for a word and creates a bad password from it.
You can assume that all characters are lowercase.
$ make password
gcc password.c -o password
$ ./password
Enter a word: elephant
Your bad password is 313ph@nt
$ ./password
Enter a word: hello
Your bad password is h311o
$ ./password
Enter a word: rhythm
Your bad password is rhythm
Your bad password algorithm should
Replace 'e’s with '3’s
Replace 'l’s with '1’s
Replace 'a’s with '@'s
3. Snackbar
Write a program, snackbar.c
, that maintains a list of snacks available for purchase.
$ make snackbar
gcc snackbar.c -o snackbar
$ ./snackbar
Welcome to Steven Struct's Snack Bar.
How much money do you have? 5
0) Coco Puffs cost: $1.50 quantity: 4
1) Manchego cheese cost: $15.50 quantity: 6
2) Magic beans cost: $0.50 quantity: 0
What snack would you like to buy? [0,1,2] 1
You can't afford it!
$ ./snackbar
Welcome to Steven Struct's Snack Bar.
How much money do you have? 5
0) Coco Puffs cost: $1.50 quantity: 4
1) Manchego cheese cost: $15.50 quantity: 6
2) Magic beans cost: $0.50 quantity: 0
What snack would you like to buy? [0,1,2] 2
Sorry, we are out of Magic beans
$ ./snackbar
Welcome to Steven Struct's Snack Bar.
How much money do you have? 5
0) Coco Puffs cost: $1.50 quantity: 4
1) Manchego cheese cost: $15.50 quantity: 6
2) Magic beans cost: $0.50 quantity: 0
What snack would you like to buy? [0,1,2] 0
You bought Coco Puffs
You have $3.50 left
Your program should define a
struct snack
that stores a name, cost, and quantity -
Your program should define at least three snacks and store them in an array
Your program should be similar to the given output but feel free to customize it!
4. Shift Cypher
Write a program, cypher.c
, that asks the user for a word and then encodes it
using a shift cypher. A shift cypher replaces each letter with a letter that is
X positions from it in the alphabet. For example, is the letter is 'a' and the
shift is 2, we replace 'a' with a 'c'. You can assume that all inputs are
lowercase and do not contain special characters.
$ make cypher
gcc cypher.c -o cypher
$ ./cypher
Enter a word: elephant
Enter a shift: 2
Your cypher is gngrjcpv
$ ./cypher
Enter a word: gngrjcpv
Enter a shift: -2
Your cypher is elephant
$ ./cypher
Enter a word: hello
Enter a shift: 7
Your cypher is olssv
$ ./cypher
Enter a word: a
Enter a shift: -2
Your cypher is y
$ ./cypher
Enter a word: z
Enter a shift: 2**
Your cypher is b
Recall that characters as represented as digits in ASCII. A straight-forward implementation can add offsets to each character of the word.
5. Submit your Work
Push you work to Github to submit your work.
$ cd A02
$ git add *.c
$ git commit -m "assignment 2 complete"
$ git push
6. Grading Rubric
Assignment rubrics
Grades are out of 4 points.
(1 point) password
(0.1 points) style and header comment
(0.4 points) correct behavior: asks the user for input and creates the new string
(0.5 points) no memory errors
(1 point) cypher
(0.1 points) style and header comment
(0.4 points) correct behavior: asks the user for input and creates the new string
(0.5 points) no memory errors
(2 points) snackbar
(0.2 points) style and header comment
(0.8 points) correct behavior
(1.0 points) no memory errors
Code rubrics
For full credit, your C programs must be feature-complete, robust (e.g. run without memory errors or crashing) and have good style.
Some credit lost for missing features or bugs, depending on severity of error
-12.5% for style errors. See the class coding style here.
-50% for memory errors
-100% for failure to checkin work to Github
-100% for failure to compile on linux using make