Assignment 3: If you malloc something, set it free
Due Friday, February 7th, before midnight
The goals for this assignment are:
Work with pointers
Work with malloc/free
Work with arrays
1. Update your repository
Do a fetch upstream to obtain the basecode for this assignment.
Using the command line
Open terminal and change your current directory to your assignment repository.
Run the command
git fetch upstream
Run the command
git merge upstream/main
Your repository should now contain a new folder named A03
The fetch
and merge
commands update your repository with any changes from the original.
2. Repeat! Repeat! Repeat!
Implement a program, repeat.c
, that asks the user for a string s
and an integer n
then creates a new string that repeats s
times. For example, if the user inputs "ha"
the number 3
, the program creates a string "hahaha"
$ make repeat
gcc repeat.c -o repeat
$ ./repeat
Enter a word: ha
Enter a count: 3
Your word is hahaha
$ ./repeat
Enter a word: ha
Enter a count: 1000
$ ./repeat
Enter a word: hi
Enter a count: 1000000000000
Cannot allocate new string. Exiting...
* Your program can assume that the user enters words that are smaller than 32 characters.
* Your program should use malloc
and free
* Your program should check that malloc
is successful.
3. Dynamic snackbar
Implement a program, dynamic_snackbar.c
, that allows users to add snacks to the snackbar.
Unlike last week’s snackbar, your program only needs two features:
The ability to add a new snack to the list of snacks
The ability to print out the current list of snacks
$ make dynamic_snackbar
gcc dynamic_snackbar.c -o dynamic_snackbar
$ ./dynamic_snackbar
Enter a number of snacks: 3
Enter a name: Slurm
Enter a cost: 1.50
Enter a quantity: 3
Enter a name: Beans
Enter a cost: 5
Enter a quantity: 1
Enter a name: Carrots
Enter a cost: 2
Enter a quantity: 10
Welcome to Dynamic Donna's Snack Bar.
0) Slurm cost: $1.50 quantity: 3
1) Beans cost: $5.00 quantity: 1
2) Carrots cost: $2.00 quantity: 10
You must use malloc to create an array large enough to hold all the snacks
Use scanf to get the number of snacks and their attributes
You do not need to type in the attributes every time. You can put the inputs in a file and then use redirection to load it. |
4. Wampus
In the file, wampus.c
, implement a program that randomly places a Wampus within a NxM grid.
Then, fill in the remaining cells with their distance from the Wampus (using the Manhattan distance).
$ ./wampus
Number of rows: 2
Number of columns: 3
3 2 1
2 1 W
$ ./wampus
Number of rows: 1
Number of columns: 1
$ ./wampus
Number of rows: 3
Number of columns: 4
1 W 1 2
2 1 2 3
3 2 3 4
$ ./wampus
Number of rows: 6
Number of columns: 3
1 W 1
2 1 2
3 2 3
4 3 4
5 4 5
6 5 6
Use rand() to generate a cell (i,j) for the Wampus.
Set a seed so that rand() produces different boards each time.
Your program should ask the user for a width and height for the grid
Your program should print the grid with its values
Your program should use malloc/free to create the grid
You can assume that the user will only enter positive values for rows and columns
5. Grading Rubric
Assignment rubrics
Grades are out of 4 points.
(1 point) repeat
(0.1 points) style and header comment
(0.5 points) no memory errors
(0.4 points) correct behavior: asks the user for input and creates the new string
(1 point) wampus
(0.1 points) style and header comment
(0.5 points) no memory errors
(0.4 points) correct behavior: uses a command line argument to get the size and outputs the correct board
(2 points) dynamic snackbar
(0.15 points) style and header comment
(0.05 points) defines a struct to hold the information for each snack
(0.8 points) correctly loads data and prints results in a table
(1 points) creates an array using malloc to hold the data from the file (No memory errors)
Code rubrics
For full credit, your C programs must be feature-complete, robust (e.g. run without memory errors or crashing) and have good style.
Some credit lost for missing features or bugs, depending on severity of error
-5% for style errors. See the class coding style here.
-50% for memory errors
-100% for failure to checkin work to Github
-100% for failure to compile on linux using make